The Morning Weigh-In

About Time for an Update

It’s certainly been a while.  Everything has changed.  I now work at Trader Joe’s instead of Maoz vegetarian restaurant.  I have way less time to work out at the gym, averaging 1.8 visits per week these days.  My free weights see a bit of action at home though, and the most fun development is that I’ve started having little dance parties alone in my room with some frequency.  It’s a lot of fun, moving around however I want to, using the bunk beds (yeah, I sleep in a bunk bed) and other furniture as sort of more interesting stripper pole-esque props.

I also now diet 5 days per week with 2 off days, but I always have to move around the off days depending on what’s going on in my life.  On my “on diet days,” I aim for 1200 calories, though I probably wind up consuming 1300-1400 most days.  I just can’t have as many calories now that I don’t do as much formal working out.  Living in NYC though, I do walk a lot and climb up a minimum of 12 flights of stairs per day, many days climbing 2 or 3 times that.

I keep track of my weekly and monthly weight ranges, and I don’t go crazy if I miss a weigh in day here or there.  It’s weird, living in NYC, I often feel as if I’m losing my mind and becoming increasingly more neurotic with each day, but I have also learned how to not be so neurotically fastidious about my dieting, work outs, and weigh ins.

This Week’s Weight Range: 140.3-142

Month so far: 139.8-144.2

One response

  1. Everyone struggles with time to get to the gym. Check out “The Anywhere Challenge” on my website which can definitley help you out!

    -The Other Guy

    November 16, 2010 at 12:23 pm

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